Whenever possible, CEM engineers leverage enterprise software tools to facilitate their power electronics design work. While there are many different tools available for PCB Design and schematic capture, our team primarily rely on Eagle PCB Design or DesignWorks Professional. Modern power-electronic systems exhibit a strong interaction between voltage sources, loads, power semiconductors, and control circuits, and the nonlinear behavior of semiconductors only increases system complexity. Power circuit simulation is necessary to study the behavior of power electronic system prior to prototyping. Engineers leverage ICAP/4 to conduct advanced verification analyses. As the envelope for power electronics becomes increasingly smaller and the uses of semiconductors more proliferate, it is imperative to conduct effective thermal analysis. Depending on the target application, CEM’s engineering team leverages several software solutions to evaluate thermal and fluid flow dynamics; primary tools include COMSOL, Solidworks Simulation tools, or ANSYS workbench tools. For specific applications where electromagnetic effects must be considered, CEM engineers employ both proprietary analytical codes and ANSYS Maxwell 3D. The MATLAB toolset supports simulation analysis of PE devices in a larger system plant model. Leveraging MATLAB for plant simulation, provides a easy conduit for system models into CEM’s Real-Time Simulator or HIL testing environments.

Dr. Angelo Gattozzi