Next-Generation Dielectric Materials and Microelectronics/Electrical Applications Workshop

Workshop Attendees

Wide band gap (WBG) semiconductors are delivering on the promise of higher power and energy density circuits. In doing so, they are also opening an opportunity for a new generation of dielectric materials. Researchers from the University of Texas at Austin organized a 1.5 day workshop on "Next-generation di­electric materials for microelectronics/electrical applications" at the Massachusetts Institute Technology on December 4-5, 2019 focusing on this emerging opportunity. The invitation­only workshop brought together the materials researchers with those attempting to improve power electronics (PE) packaging to compare information that would accelerate the field.

IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine

IEEE Electrical Insulation magazine

New Materials for Emerging Electrical Environments - Workshop Report

Electrification, particularly transportation electrification, is placing a premium on higher power and energy density. Increasing the power and energy density reduces the parasitic mass, making electrified vehicles more attractive. An enabling technology to meet this need is the development of wide band gap (WBG) semiconductors. WBGs enhance power and energy density by operating at higher temperatures, voltages, and fre­quencies than legacy semiconductors. While this capability en­ables new applications, it also poses considerable challenges, since this new operating environment can significantly reduce system life.