COMET 2018

2018 COMET

On January 30-February 1, 2018, Qualitrol and Austin Energy sponsored the fourth annual Condition-Based Online Monitoring of Electric Assets (COMET) conference at the AT&T Executive Education & Conference Center. COMET is hosted by The University of Texas at Austin Center for Electromechanics (UT-CEM).


This conference brings together monitoring equipment suppliers with utility employees from around the globe to advance the science and technology of T&D asset monitoring. COMET offers non-commercial papers that highlight practical experience equipment failure, ways to prevent failure and other maintenance and reliability problems of various assets with the industry. The result is a global peer-to-peer exchange of practical information, empowering networking sessions and creative problem-solving.


This year’s event incorporated sessions to highlight new emerging solutions to address distributed energy resources (DERs) and discussions about rebuilding Puerto Rico’s power grid devastated by Hurricane Maria.


Dr. Robert Hebner (UT-CEM) served as conference chair.  Mr. Alan Ross (SDMyers) and Mr. Thomas Linn (Qualitrol) served as co-chairs.  Shannon Strank (UT-CEM), Rachel Linke (SDMyers) and Hayley Reed (Qualitrol) were key members of the conference organizing committee.  Liz Arredondo and Roy Peña (UT-CEM) were instrumental in making the conference run smoothly.  A huge Thank You to our Program and Planning Committee Members!